Hydrophilic Catheters
What are Hydrophilic Catheters?
Hydrophilic catheters are unique because they are designed with a coating on the outside that becomes lubricated via contact with water. As opposed to other catheters which require manual gel lubrication prior to insertion, a hydrophilic catheter creates its own lubrication that eases the experience of both insertion and withdrawal.
Why Use a Hydrophilic Catheter?
Hydrophilic catheters are a great option for those who suffer from pain or discomfort during catheterization, but still need to participate in intermittent self-catherization. The lubrication reduces the possibility of urethral trauma, making hydrophilic catheters beneficial for those who use a catheter frequently. Another reason for using a hydrophilic catheter is that they minimize the risk of infection due to the sleeve provided which is used to handle the lubricated catheter, reducing the potential of bacterial contamination that can result from using one’s own hands to touch the catheter.
Types of Hydrophilic Catheters
The two most frequently used types of hydrophilic catheters are pre-hydrated vs water packet activated. If the catheter is already activated because it is pre-packaged in a sterile water solution upon arrival, then it is a pre-hydrated type which is ready to insert immediately. If the catheter arrives with an included water packet or sachet, the packet must be burst prior to insertion to release the sterile fluid which will hydrate the catheter. Different types of hydrophilic catheters are offered by different brands, so customers can choose what fits their needs.